Why Spiritual Fitness is so Important?

Why Spiritual Fitness is so Important? And why you need to get fit! | Video + worksheet to help you put your faith into action | Growth, fuel, and inspiration for your faith journey | www.chamelevans.com

Are those faith core muscles tight? Friend, it's probably safe to say that you've had your ups, downs, and some plateaus on your spiritual journey with some moments mixed with joy, peace, resistance, and stagnation.  That's all part of the journey.  You are learning how to let go of your ways, thoughts, and actions to align with the will of God.  Day by day, He is molding you to be an amazing woman of faith and with that comes obedience and cultivating your relationship with Him --

Spiritual fitness at its best!  

It is important that we continue to grow and strengthen our faith so that it provides balance, stability, and stamina for our daily living.  If you desire to have an intimate relationship with God, it requires doing the work:  spending time with Him in prayer, studying His word, praise and worship, loving and serving others.

So today, I wanted to share a video I've put together to step you through some simple faith exercises to help you grow in your faith journey.  Remember that God isn't expecting perfection but He does want to see a willing heart.  Be intentional about incorporating a few of these exercises through out your weekly routine.   Let's just say encounters with God will make you hunger for more!  CONSUME + BURN + REPEAT!  Let's get it!