3 Ways to "Count It All JOY" No Matter What!

On Tuesday, I shared a post on how doing laundry helped me to find joy!  Some may say..."really Chamel...joy in doing laundry?" Yep!  Laundry allowed me to focus in on the true blessing (having clothes/ability to clean/provide for family) and joy that comes from God! Well the post received great response and I wanted to dig a little deeper on the subject matter and share three tips on "counting it all JOY" no matter your circumstances.  I pray that these tips will help and share some insight on your #faithjourney!


The first step to having true JOY is realizing there is a difference between being "happy" and being "joyful".  We get in trouble many times because we seek to be happy (a temporary feeling or emotion based on our current circumstance) and when things don't go as plan, we're all of a sudden frazzled which causes a shift in our atmosphere, attitude, and heart!  JOY does not shift these areas, but strengthen because we know that JOY comes from God -- He is JOY!  No matter what our situation may be, God has a plan and all things work out for our good!  JOY will allow you to STAND and be EMPOWERED in God, fully committing to His plan and timing!  So make it a priority to seek God and in return you will experience true JOY.


At first glance, it is so easy to evaluate our circumstances and jump to the negative conclusion or thought pattern.  Why is it that the same energy we use to be negative, we can't have an initial positive reaction?  I'm so guilty of this but had to check myself, attitude, and heart.  We have so much to be thankful for and we don't realize it.  We take the small things for granted only to be head strong towards seeking what we believe to be the "big" things we desire and want.  I challenge you to step back and see your circumstance for what it's worth?  Is it really that bad?  What is God doing through the midst of this situation? Is this an opportunity to grow my faith and trust in God?  Showing thanksgiving and praise will increase your JOY! [Bet you'll have a better attitude after this tip :)]

CLICK TO TWEET: Circumstances shifting your atmosphere, attitude, and heart? Find JOY in the midst of it all. 


The best way to counteract negative feelings and shift to having more JOY, is to take a minute and look around you to see how others are living.  Of course we are happy to see our family, friends, and neighbors doing well, but when you take a closer look someone may be dealing with something so much greater!  At these times we have to give God thanks and use our gifts, talents, and time to pray and encourage others.  I find the most JOY when I can make a small impact in someone's life whether it's a simple hello, encouraging text/email/tweet/post, or just taking time to lend a listening ear.  Allow your JOY to stretch you out of your comfort and show others love and encouragement!  It's pretty contagious!

Hope you enjoy....all of this goodness over a basket of laundry!  Love how God works!

Like to share a few additional ways you can have more JOY in your life?  Try writing them down and put your faith in action!  You can do it!