EP #033 - Comparison Compromises Your Calling


Do you ever find yourself scrolling through social media and seeing how well every else is doing? Does it cause you to second guess your own accomplishments and achievements? Ashley Morgan Jackson and I discuss this prevalent topic and how you can lean into your faith to help protect you against the pitfalls of comparison. Ashley is a Christian communicator, speaker, podcaster, and author. 

Comparisonitis and Motherhood

Both Ashley and I have struggled with various aspects of comparing the way we mother our children to others. For me, it’s the belief of what is right and how I was raised versus how I’m raising my kids. For Ashley, it was having a C-section rather than a natural birth and not being able to breastfeed. We all struggle with some component of comparison issues while mothering, but as Jesus says to Peter in John 21, what He is doing with one of his sheep has nothing to do with you. 

That passage is absolutely perfect for this topic and Ashley really hits that nail on the head. We need to support each other as women and as mothers and stop “telling” on each other to the Lord. The plan God has for you has nothing to do with what He has planned for me. He basically says to tend to yours and leave other people to their own business. 

Don’t Let Comparison Steal From You

Taking the time to compare yourself or your business to others is a practice in wasted time. The comparisons you’re making between you an others have no bearing on the truth or purpose God has called you to. He has asked that you do something in particular to further His goals and His aims for His people. Wasting your time comparing your purpose with another person’s purpose is pulling you away from the path that God has set for you.

There is no right or wrong way to raise your family or run your business in the eyes of God. There is also not a singular path for you to walk down that everyone else is using too. Comparing your path with someone else’s is the same as trying to compare apples and butterflies. Not only are apples and butterflies completely different but they are both perfectly made for their purpose on this Earth.

The Root of Comparison is Fear

Whether it be the fear of missing out or the fear that someone is better than you, the reason we compare ourselves to others is based in fear. Ashley says that sometimes her fear is that God has shown favor to someone else because he’s denying her. When really we need to just take ourselves out of the equation. Our lives and businesses are not our own, they are God’s and he knows exactly what he’s doing with them. For me, the fear stems from the unknown and having to give up control and not being enough. God and I are working through that together.

Ashley again brings up an amazing scripture in Luke 9 when the disciples are all working on comparing themselves to one another. Jesus instead asks them to be more childlike and unconcerned with which is greater than the other. It is the person who is the least that is the greatest. Fearing being second best is inherently against that which God has called us to be. 

Give Yourself Permission to Celebrate Others

You can’t get stuck in comparisonitis when you truly celebrate the wins and achievements of others. Celebrate and encourage those around you in their wins. You never know if that person has been working for 20 minutes or 20 years to make it to where they are today. Rejoice in knowing that God has worked in their life and business and continue to tread your path. 

God does everything in His time and for His glory. Don’t get stuck in the place of wondering why He isn’t working on your life right now. He is! But He is working at his pace and in His plan. Be patient and continue to seek His word and His guidance. Give your fears to Him and trust the He is going to work on your fears and in your life. Acknowledge your fears! Then hand them over to Him. Take a minute, press pause, get on your knees, and pray!

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Connect with Ashley:

Ashley Morgan Jackson is a Christian communicator, author and graphic designer who loves encouraging women in Christ to walk boldly in their identity and calling. She has written a book about her depression "The Blessing of Being Broken”, a Bible study named “Called to Build” on the book of Nehemiah and currently working on online courses and a podcast of the same name to equip women to take steps toward the dreams God has placed in their hearts. She is a wife of ten years, a mother of two little boys, loves hanging out at the beach in her home in Ventura, CA and is currently doing an internship with author and speaker Melissa Spoelstra.

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