EP #035 - Leap of Faith (go all in .... in your Purpose)


When God calls, you answer. Alisha Robertson epitomizes this and has worked to help other women realize the same. She is a wife, mother, author, speaker, podcaster, and faith-infused business owner. Listen in as she shares about her path and why going all in with God in mind is what moved the needle in her business. 

Why is it so Important to be Intentional and Purposeful? 

Rather than just waiting for something to stick and striving toward something only to change direction, move toward your passion and your calling. When Alisha was first starting out she went through a time of striving without purpose. People all around her were talking about waking up and getting to do the things they loved which made her realize, she didn’t know what that was for her.

What did she do? She stopped ignoring the hints God was placing in her path. Taking a step back and refusing to listen to the world gave her the space to hear God’s plan for her. When she finally listened, she realized that she was supposed to be a writer. 

It took taking that step back to find her intention and purpose and walk in her calling.

Have You Stepped Out in Faith of What He’s Already Given You? 

One of the things we as human beings tend to do is ask and ask and ask of God, but do we listen. This is the same thing that Alisha was going through. She was unfulfilled and asking for God to give her a sign and as she said, he was pointing flashing lights at her but she wasn’t listening.

As you ask for your dreams and desires and your purpose, don’t forget to pray to have your eyes open to see His direction. He has placed so many gifts and treasures at your feet already. What are you doing with them? 

Give yourself permission to be okay with where God has you and stop comparing your path with others. Don’t try to skip out on your process.

What Hesitations Do People Have When Living Purposefully?

One of the biggest hesitations is the fear we experience in the unknown. Alisha notes that for women specifically have a hard time taking a step in an unknown direction and not knowing what is on the other side. Usually it’s the fear holding them back. 

Why do we as women focus only on the bad? When you consider an action, do you ask yourself, “What’s the worst thing that can happen?” if so, you’re ignoring the other part. Try asking yourself, “What’s the best thing that can happen?” and see how your mindset shifts. 

If you know God is calling you in a certain direction, take heart in the knowledge that he won’t let you fall. 

Your Decisions Don’t Have to be Permanent

When you take a leap, remember that each decision you make isn’t set in stone. While backing away and stepping back may be difficult, it’s not impossible. Every move that you make in your life is bringing you experience and knowledge. That experience and knowledge informs who you become. 

As Alisha states, “you can change your mind.” When she decided to step fully into Living Over Existing and away from coaching, she let her clients know, she was going to take that step, but if it didn’t work, she’d be back. Why? Because she knew that if things didn’t work out as expected, she could always step back into what she had already built. 

If you’re on the fence, take the leap and know that God will catch you. Even if that means placing you back on the fence rather than helping you to the ground, you will come out of the experience new and stronger.

Goal Setting for Women of Faith in Business

Take a moment to realize that you can build your business without burning yourself out. Alisha has been called to the number 200 for this year and feels that she is meant to help 200 women. She normally set big goals for herself, but has realized that taking a step back has helped her gain clarity. 

Remember you don’t have to have it all figured out. Your goals are meant to motivate you, but don’t fret if they aren’t coming. Leave room for God to do His work in your life. 

I share specifically how you can set goals and create a strategy for prayer and listening when God answers. Just remember that your goals are like guidelines… don’t let them be a tablet written in stone. Give Him room to work. Back your faith up with action. 


Connect with Alisha:

Alisha Robertson is an author and business coach dedicated to helping creative women live their life & create their business on purpose. She’s a self-published author of the Living Over Existing book and the creator behind several physical products created to help online business owners gain clarity, organize and build their brands. Through her work, Alisha empowers women to uncover their voice, ditch fear, gain clarity & begin making money doing what they love.

Living Over Existing

Living Over Existing Podcast

Living Over Existing by Alisha Robertson


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