Monitoring your Faith...Have you flatlined?

CLEEEAAAARRRR! You're back...there's a pulse!  Have you ever stopped and wondered where you would end up after death?  (Very shocking and direct...I know!)  Right off hand, we would probably make a decision based on our accomplishments and the deeds we've done. From there, we'd probably decide where we will end up...Heaven or Hell.

Today, I want to share with you that our deeds of service should and can never be used to earn God's favor or love!  This favor and love ONLY comes through our faith in the one and only true KING.  So how do we monitor our faith?  We do this by evaluating how we love others and how we faithfully proclaim the message about Jesus Christ.

Are you sharing God's love and His message?

We can check our faith in how we treat others.  Galatians 5:6, describes it as faith...expressing itself through love! [Grab the iFaith wallpaper here]  So you see, following Christ and doing His will isn't all about what we do, but about our Hearts!  God wants us to do deeds of services with a loving and caring heart!  A heart like God.  All of us are capable of doing things, but it is what's in our hearts that matter.  Are we doing it out of love?  Are we showing grace and mercy? Love was so important to God that He gave His only son Jesus Christ to die for our sins!  [Amen...praise break here :)']

Thank God that He has given you this day...another day to get things right with Him and to grow in your #faithjourney.  It is my prayer that you will monitor your faith consistently and take steps daily striving for the kingdom of God...because Heaven is our final destination! [Tweet that]

When it comes to loving others and growing the kingdom, have you flatlined?  What can you do today to grow in your #faithjourney?  Who can you "ZAP or SHOCK" a little love into?